Homework is one activity that stays with every student all through his academic life. Even the first grader is supposed to complete the work assigned to him by his teacher. Sometimes, the tasks assigned to the students is so voluminous that it wears out the patience of the parents as well as kids. The activity which used to be fun filled and interesting at one point in time becomes wearisome. The kids start stalling and try to procrastinate and try everything in the book to avoid it. Following some strategies, this common headache can be easily taken care of. The teachers have shared these strategies- Complete the task as early as Possible It is important that the kids finish their assigned work as early as possible and get it over and one with. The parents must set a schedule for the kids and ensure that they stick to it. It is because once the assigned work is over, the kids can heave a sigh of relief and enjoy the rest of the time playing or pursuing other fun filled activities. Ma...
Do it Yourself