Hello 👋 , welcome to uchehub. In this article I will talk about things everyone should know how to do . Everyone should have SURVIVAL skills. How to create Fire: Having a fire is not only an incredible tool for warming your body in addition as your shelter however it can cook food, and boil water. Having a fire is also a big psychological boost for all involved. It provides a sense of security and safety. A fire may also be used as a signaling device if an individual or group is being actively searched for in a rescue kind of situation. a large smoky fire is easily visible from the air and can be seen from far-off. One should carry field expedient fire starting devices however it's always a plus knowing the skills of starting a fire without matches, a lighter or flint. Use small tinder to start with and then add small sticks and twigs until you get a bed of coals going well enough to add some larger logs. How to Swim : Certain swimming skills a...