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Things everyone should know how to do

Hello 👋  , welcome to uchehub. In this article I will talk about things everyone should know how to do . 

Everyone should have SURVIVAL skills.

How to create Fire:

  Having a fire is not only an incredible tool for warming your body in addition as your shelter however it can cook food, and boil water. Having a fire is also a big psychological boost for all involved. It provides a sense of security and safety.
A fire may also be used as a signaling device if an individual or group is being actively searched for in a rescue kind of
situation. a large smoky fire is easily visible from the air and can be seen from far-off.
One should carry field expedient fire starting devices however it's always a plus knowing the skills of starting a fire without matches, a lighter or flint. Use small tinder to start with and then add small sticks and twigs until you get a bed of coals going well enough to add some larger logs.

How to Swim :

Certain swimming skills are necessary so as to live through water emergencies, like being stranded in open water. things that would leave you stranded in open water include being swept out to sea by strong currents, plane crashes and sinking boats. The swimming skills that would assist you survive in these situations include:

Treading Water : treading water involves moving the hands and feet in particular ways that to stay oneself on top of the water. usually only the head is above the water to permit  breathing. Although there are several floating techniques, the foremost common one is to move the hands and arms horizontally across the body while flutter kicking with the legs. treading water allows someone to recover their breath if they’ve swallowed water and to stop and orient themselves in the middle of a swim.
Survival Floating – In any water emergency, it's vital to remain afloat. this may be accomplished through many different kinds of personal flotation
devices , some of which may be improvised. However, if you find yourself without a raft, lifeboat or different rescue equipment, you'll be able to use floating techniques to conserve energy. the foremost common
way to float is on the back, however this could be done solely in calm waters. In rough waters, lie facedown in
the water, lifting your head to inhale so exhale back to the water.

Rising to the Surface – once immersed in deep water suddenly, it's important to be able to get to the surface quickly so as to breathe. it's helpful to activate one’s flotation device for the best results. However, you might find yourself without one. In those cases, orient yourself in the water by moving toward light. flutter kick with your legs, and use your arms by pushing down against the water all the way to your hips.

Front Crawl – The front crawl is the quickest, most effective way to move within the water. The front crawl is performed by flutter kicking with the legs and using the arms to scull the water. The arms and hands enter the water thumbs first out past the head and then pull horizontally along the length of the body.
The swimmer breathes by turning the head to one side and then exhaling into the water.
 Please also note that you can swim doesn't make you a fish 🐠, so don't dive into water you know nothing about. 


Basic aid may be a good life skill to possess, particularly if you find yourself in an unpredictable situation, hurt in the
wilderness. There are many common injuries that you should be able to treat.
Cuts. If you have a cut with minimal bleeding, simply apply direct pressure to the area and hold it there with your thumb for many minutes till the bleeding stops.
Athletic injuries (sprains). There are many nice things you can use in the surroundings to treat athletics injuries. If you twist an ankle, for example, use the
RICE method: rest, ice/cool it down (using mud or moss), compress it (wrap it in a t-shirt), and elevate it.
Burns. Hopefully, you never experience a painful burn. however in the case that you accidentally spill boiling water on your hand or touch something red-hot, keep these four tips in mind: 1) cool it down with water, 2) keep it covered with dressing, 3) treat for pain, if needed (It may be a good idea to keep ibuprofen in
your aid kit.), and 4) keep hydrated.

Everyone should be able to MANAGE THEIR

Learn how to deal with stress at work
How to leave work behind and be present
with your family
How to deal with your feelings of
inadequacy, frustration, anger and

Everyone should know how to MANAGE THEIR TIME ⌚ , ENERGY ⛮ and MONEY 💵.

-How to budget and control spending
-How to earn more money
-How to use your energy wisely
-How to use some time on activities that will benefit you

You should know how to approach and meet new people: 

even if you’re an introvert, it is important to have the ability to walk up to a new person and hold a pleasant conversation. Meeting folks may be a great way to find out new things, expand your network, and gain new opportunities in life.

You should know the correct way to respond to criticism: 

Learn this skill to avoid looking defensive, unprepared and immature.
Criticism is a good thing (most of the time), and it can help you improve and develop yourself if you can learn how to take it objectively and reflect on yourself and your work.

Be a learner: 

Be a keen learner throughout life.
It is the only way to keep growing.


  1. This is a very great post. Survival tips are essential for every human being. People an learn a lot from this post

  2. "Please also note that you can swim doesn't make you a fish ��, so don't dive into water you know nothing about". You got me cracking up at this point

  3. Great list of tips! I agree with all of them especially the knowing survival first aid.

  4. I never learned how to swim but I know pretty good how to make a fire. I think survival skills are the first things that must be taught in school.

  5. Great list, living in Florida we all must know how to swim. It is necessary.

  6. This is a great tips! it gives me a lot of idea. SURVIVAL skills. is very important to save our lives.

  7. Swimming is a great skill to have. You never know when it will be needed. thanks for the post!

  8. The last one is definitely overlooked. People get so easily offended these days instead of trying to learn from how other people perceive you.

  9. These are very true, these are skills we should all know.

  10. Oh survival rates are pretty low according to this

  11. This is great.... Survival instinct in this age is very crucial.....

  12. I really want to learn swimming !!! It is must have survival skill !!!
    Very helpful post !!!

  13. What a great reminder. I agree that everyone should have these life skills.

  14. So true. Really like this list. I especially like the one about floating technique to conserve energy

  15. Cannot imagine myself in such situations. But it is good to know how to survive in critical conditions.

  16. I am equipped with a lot of life & survival skills but sad to say I do not know how to swim :(

  17. This is an amazing post. I believe survival tips are essential for every human being. But unfortunately I don't know how to swim! I think I need to learn it ASAP!.


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