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Sample interview questions for primary school teachers

Sample Teacher Interview: Questions and Answers for Teachers interview

Classroom management, discipline, behavioral management, contacting parents and above all your teaching methods are parts of the teacher interview questions.
As a candidate preparing for a teaching interview, you would probably do your best answering naturally and confidently with your teaching knowledge and experience.

How would you handle this upcoming interview?

This article suggests answers for the most common questions asked during a teacher’s interview.
Four Initial Tips for the Teacher Interview

    Be prepared to explain your teaching profile and everything that is related to your education, background experience and teaching philosophies.
    Speak clearly about your teaching beliefs.
    Prepare and review your answers to these frequently asked teacher interview questions.
    As it is easy for an interviewer to recognize an unprepared candidate by reading his body language, practice answering the basic questions a few times before the interview.

Here are suggested answers to teacher interview questions sample as follows:
► Discipline

    Questions about classroom discipline and the way you establish your authority.
    How do you handle a discipline problem? What about noise in the classroom?
    Are you a “tough” teacher or an “understanding” teacher?
    How do you handle a gifted child who is a discipline problem?

By having a set of classroom rules and consistently following your own guidelines – a clear set of behavioral expectations with clear consequences – you have a good chance of controlling the class. Give examples of rules and consequences. Simultaneously, present yourself as a good listener and adapter, flexible to individual students’ needs. If possible, give an example of where you had to work around your rule for a difficult student.
► Working with Parents

    Give an example of a difficult phone call to a parent.
    How do you handle parent complaints about teaching methods?
    How often do you report to parents? What is your communication method with parents?

Your goal is to work in the child’s best interest, together with the parents. In general, you report as often as required and welcome parents’ contribution. Complaints and problems that have not been resolved are addressed to the school principal if necessary. Communication can be any possible way – text, email, phone or a note home. When parents object to teaching method, it is best to have a principal explain and defend the teacher. Parents are not usually as knowledgeable as they think.

If a child is caught cheating or continuously disturbs, this would be a difficult call to make. I would first look over all the child’s work and make a list of his/her good qualities and accomplishments. After reporting that pleasantness, I would factually describe the problem, making sure not to exaggerate. End with another nice comment, and listen to parents.  Next I would try to work out a plan with them, or interest them in the plan I worked out. Close with a nice comment about how easy it was to speak with them, or some such compliment and wish them well.
► Teaching methods

    Questions about homework (overload).
    The way you evaluate your teaching performance and teaching needs. How do you use resources?
    Your teaching tools and methods, namely – the Internet, team-teaching and external resources.
    How do you handle the needs of children with high abilities as compared to the needs of low-skilled children?
    How do you meet the needs of children with ADHD?
    What are your teaching objectives?
    How do you provide feedback?

You should explain the cutting edge teaching principles you utilize to meet your teaching goals and objectives for enhancing students’ skills such as – reading, social skills, technical skills etc. prepare and rehearse your remarks. Speak professionally.
► Social problems

    How do you handle a case of a child who is socially isolated?

I feel I must play an important role in the child’s development of social competence and friendship skills. I will do my best to help these children develop peer friendships. My responsibilities involve not only imparting academic skills but social skills as well. Some methods are setting up study-buddies, team projects, etc.
► General

    Why did you choose a teaching career?
    Why are you interested in working for our school?

Answer: prepare a brief explanation.


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