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How To Read And Understand

Some beginners in the tertiary institution faced with numerous tasks, may often approach reading with divergent attitudes ranging from enthusiasm, zeal, anxiety, surprises, enigma or stereotyped concepts that associate reading to professionalism rather than integrative learning.
For such fresh undergraduates, reading may mean developing one’s skill as a prospective Mathematician, Engineer or Chemist (perhaps focusing only on reading and solving calculus and practical) with little or nothing to do with reading volumes of books. Such unorthodox approach affects the student’s input both in the general and core courses. Reading, therefore, enhances and develops ' the whole mind and cognitive ability to acquire knowledge in every  field of human endeavor.
Sir Richard Steele defines reading as a healthy means of exercising the human mind. He thus identified reading with the cognitive process in which written (graphical words) are encoded to inform the human mind, acquire knowledge and develop the human
Reading is another important skills in studying. Various modes of information are stored in books. Unlike the listening skill, where the student listens through in different contexts, it is only through reading that the information in books can be accessed.
For studying and learning, the skill of reading is best developed and practiced for effective result by:
1 choosing the appropriate material for the purpose of reading;
2. having control of the material you are reading for study;
3. reading with understanding and comprehension;
4. Reading beyond the literal or factual and inferential levels.
At this point, reading as a skill should be at conjectural or projective level. At this level, the reader goes beyond the graphic words to look for extended meanings to get the writer’s ideas. Then, he uses these ideas to project or conjecture new ideas;
5. Faster reading. By applying the technique of faster reading, one is able to cover the necessary volume within the shortest possible time;
6. reading widely to access the relevant information for learning; and
7. reading pointedly and focused.
Obviously a student who follows the points we laid out here and
practices them will be a serious and successful student in his field of study
Reading takes the form of a complex interaction between a text and the reader which is shaped by the reader’s prior knowledge, experience, attitude, and language community. Reading in this sense is culturally and socially situated. The reading process requires continuous practice, development, and refinement. In addition, reading requires creativity and critical analysis, which thus links reading with comprehension  Because reading is such a complex process, it cannot be controlled or restricted to one or two interpretations.


  1. I like this article. I always have a book with me, it's usually a novel but still, I like reading a lot. I used to read everything I could find of a subject when I was studying it.

  2. This is good to keep in mind. I just LOVE to read. I always have a book nearby. It's one of my favorite things to do.

  3. If you want to become a better reader, you need to practice. It's like any other skill.

    1. Oh how I love tis post. I am always telling my son this. Reading takes practice.

  4. Reading has always been a peaceful thing for me, but a lot of people don't fully take the time to understand.

  5. I really appreciate this article. I like reading to understand but so many people just read for the sake of reading.

  6. Nice article. I love reading and like anything else, it takes time and practice to get better at it. Thanks for the tips.

  7. At time, we all become faster readers. For me, being a literature student, it really means a lot to understand what I am reading. I don't say I think too much, just that I have big knowledge about literature so it's pretty easy for me to read. But lets face it - the longer you read, the more of a reader you are.

  8. I love to read so I have to bear this in mind. Will share this to all of my friends.

  9. Reading isn't the issue sometimes, it's understanding what you read that causes the problem. I think these are wonderful tips on how to become a better reader.

  10. Practice makes perfect. Reading out loud also helps with understanding and improving pronounciation as well. We used to take turns reading out in social studies and language arts classes back in junior high.

  11. I love to read but I don't like long novels. That's why I love to read blogs and short stories rather. But these are good tips for better understanding especially when reading academic books.

  12. My daughter struggles with reading comprehension. Its because she read so fast! I tell her that no matter how fast you can read if you don't understand what you're reading hen its useless. Thanks for sharing! I'l go over this with her.

  13. I've never really thought about how much goes into the seemingly simple process of reading. Great tips for reading with a purpose!

  14. Great article, we cannot stress enough the importance of choosing a book that is at the right level.

  15. I do agree with the importance of reading and how it benefits us. We should promote good reading habits to our children. Great tips!

  16. Great tips. One of my favourite pastimes is reading a good book. I only wish I wasn’t as busy and could enjoy a good book more often

  17. Being writer makes me a better reader. Just reading blogs, articles and books on a consistent basis helps!

  18. I've always loved reading, but I find myself doing it less & less as I get older. I think I need to make it a goal of 2018 to change that.

  19. I like reading.But,if it is for studies,I always want to sketch or write.So,for me ,it is easy to grab the thing in the book..

  20. Reading is one of my favourite things! Ams reading about reading is also fun! Sometimes I just zone out while reading, so this helps!

  21. Reading not easy but worth it at the end. great work dude.


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