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how to stop snoring while sleeping

Snoring is act of breathing noisily once one is asleep. This usually undermine people's comfort who shares space with you , and it seemingly leaves you feeling tired in the morning. If you wish to stop snoring, you'll build simple style changes to cut back your snoring risk, and you'll take steps to keep your airways open. It’s also an honest idea to speak to your doctor regarding your snoring, as medical treatments could also be necessary.

1. Do not drink alcohol right before you go to bed.

Alcohol relaxes your body, that truly will increase your risk of snoring. this is often as a result of your throat muscles will relax, creating them collapse a little. this may cause you to snore more. If snoring is a concern, you ought to not drink about to bedtime.
If you fancy a drink, limit how much your drink to two servings or less, and allow enough time before bed for the effects of the alcohol to wear off

2. Quit smoking.

Smoking will increase your risk of snoring. It conjointly makes snoring worse. Overall, abandoning cigarettes will assist you breathe better, thus give it a try.
If you’re struggling to quit, confer with your doctor regarding quitting aides, like gum, patches, and prescription medication.

3. Singing 

Sing for twenty minutes every day to assist tighten your throat muscles. Since slack throat muscles are often the reason behind snoring, tightening them can help eliminate your symptoms. when performed daily for a minimum of twenty minutes, singing will facilitate tighten your muscles.
Alternatively, you may play a wind instrument, like the oboe or french horn.
Sleep on your side. Sleeping on your back causes the tissues within the back of your throat to droop down, creating your airways slender. Turning onto either side alleviates this drawback, reducing your risk of snoring.

4. Maintain a healthy weight. 

Extra weight will worsen snoring. consumption a healthy, diet and exertion will assist you relieve your snoring symptoms.
Talk to your doctor before beginning an exercise program.
People who are a healthy weight will still have a snoring drawback, particularly if there are underlying health risks like sleep disorder.


  1. These are great tips and I am sure it will help with the suggestions you have outlined.

  2. Great tips! I think maintaining a healthy weight is a huge contributing factor for those who snore.

  3. Thanks for sharing these. I'll make sure my roommates that don't allow me to have peaceful nights see these 😂

    1. Same here, the funny thing is that the person will never agree that he/she do snore

  4. that's useful! Must share with my husband!

  5. Healthy weight is needed to stop snoring to and to live a healthy life.

  6. My husband used to snore quite a lot. He hasn't in quite some time, although he does drink a lot of wine before bed now, haha. Hopefully the alcohol doesn't start making him snore again!

  7. Wow nice informative post I will send this article to my brother because he snoring while he. sleeping hahahha thank you for sharing!

  8. This is very true. Everything this mentions my fb does and he is a heavy snorer

  9. And also, some studies says these could indicate heart problem. My hubby snores too much specially when he is so tired.

  10. I think i have to sing more often.....

  11. I know someone who snorts when she sleeps. It's quite odd because she never drinks, smokes and has a very good body proportion. She sings too! I wonder why she snorts. I suppose she needs to sing more often.

  12. Thanks for those amazing tips. Learnt about singing in the context of snoring for the first time! Something new to learn everyday.

  13. These are great tips. I didn't know that singing helps. Thanks for sharing.

  14. We have a crazy snore! Definitely checking these out!

  15. I never knew snoring can be controlled, will definitely be trying this as I am a slave to snoring.

  16. These are some great tips that I am going to hand over to a dear friend..

  17. I have also heard that going to steam rooms and saunas can also be very helpful to clear your sinuses to help decrease snoring!

  18. Hhhhmmmmm....singing....I had no clue about that. I could try it out or recommend it to somebody I know!

  19. Thank you for this list! I've always been wondering why people snore a lot and why some people don't.

  20. You learn something new everyday. I had no clue singing to could help to stop snoring.

  21. I have a huge issue with snoring because I have a lot of double chin and neck fat, which I am assuming is the issue. I need to lose weight because I always wake up with my mouth extremely dry.

  22. I have a friend who snores, and when he starts you are sure you won't sleep again till morning. We tried getting him into an exercise routine. Might recommend the singing, it sounds like fun.


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