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How To Make Homemade Candle

Melt your wax in a double boiler, then add any desired fragrances or dye. insert a wick into a glass jar, then pour the hot wax into the jar. Wait for the wax to set at lease 4 to 6 hrs then trim the wick down to 1/4 inch (0.64) centimeters.
1. Decide what kind of wax ou want to use to make our candle. There are several different kinds of wax to choose from. One pound of paraffin wax by weight will equal approximately 20 oz ofliquid melted wax. One pound of soy wax will equal approximately 18 oz of liquid when melted. One pound of bees wax by weight will equal approximately 16 oz of liquid when melted.
  • . Paraffin wax is traditional wax for candle making and is still by far the most popular wax. It is good for beginners because it melts quickly. is cheap and is easily coloured or scented. However, it should be noted that the Chemicals that are emitted when this wax is melted could be irritating to some people.
  • . Soy wax is becoming increasingly popular as it is easy to use. made from soybeans and cleans up pretty easily. It is eco-friendly and renewable. Soy wax is also known to burn more slowly than most other waxes.
  • ° Bees wax is all natural and has air purifying qualities to it; however, it doesn't refrain scent or colouring that will. Essential oils will generally work with beeswax but keep in mind that beeswax has its own lovely scent.
  • You can alSo use old candles that have been burned down or are half-used and warped. Using old candles is a great way to recycle wax. Simply melt them just as you would melt other wax.

2. Protect our work area before on begin. Unless you have a dedicated area that you can get wax on without worrying about it, you Should put newspaper. wax paper, or towels and rages down on the surface you will be working on. Have some warm soapy water at the ready as well in case of spills.
3. . Cut or shred your wax into chunks or shavings. Smaller chunks of wax melt better than larger chunks. By using smaller pieces, you will also ensure that the wax melts at an even rate.
4. Fill a medium or large pot half-ways through with water. Make sure there's enough room in the pot for a smaller container, you l'l be using the smaller vessel to melt the wax in a makeshift double boiler.
Note: you cannot put candle wax directly on heat or it will catch fire or evaporate.
Turn the heat to high so that the water boils. The boiling water will slowly melt the wax.
Keep 'in mind that wax can be difficult to clean... you may want to purchase a
cheap, heat-safe pot thatyou designate specificallyfor making candles.
5. Add scent to our melted wax. The scent you choose is up to you. Scents such as essential oil can be purchased at your local craft stores. It is best to read the bottle's directions rather than base the amount you put in on how strongly it smells after the scent has already been added. Stir well.
6. Add colouring. Normal food colouring will not work in candles because they are water-based. Purchase oil-based dyes at your local craft store. You can generally find specific candle dyes. Read the bottle for the proper amount of dye to put in to achieve a certain colour. Add drops of colouring until you have reached your desired colour. Stir well.
7. Place a wick in the center of the candle mold. The wick should be in the center of the candle mold with about two inches stick out of the candle. Loop the end that will be out of the wax around the center of a pen or pencil. Rest the pen across the top of the mold you will be pouring your wax into. Make sure the wick hangs down straight into the center of the mold.
8. Pour the melted wax into the mold Slowly so that it does not spill over. Make sure not to knock the wick out of the mold accidentally.
9. Cool the wax for a full 24 hours, the longer you let them cool, the better they will be.
10 Remove the wax from the mold and trim the wick down to 1/4 inc(1 0.64centimeters). A longer wick will cause the flame to be too large
11. Light the wick, burn your candle and enjoy your masterpiece.
12. Finished! Tips: you can also use wax crayons to colour your candle.
. You can use citronella essential oil in your candle to create a candle that repels pests such as mosquitoes. This can be found in most natural food stores.


  1. Hi. Amazing right up. Please where can I purchase these Soy Wax & Fragrances?


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